Man stressed out over tax filingsEver found yourself in a dilemma as to whether or not you should hire someone else to do your dirty work? You’re not alone.

Remember the first time you decided you wanted to hire a bookkeeper and accountant to take care of your corporate taxes because they got too complex?

Remember the first time you ran into a sticky employee situation so felt you needed to hire a human resources firm to handle it for you?

Remember the first time you got frustrated with an email issue so you called in the hired gun – a third-party IT firm?

Or how about that time you stayed late, after a sales meeting, just to clean up the community kitchen?

As a company grows, it is able to decide what functions they want to handle internally; and just as easily, they decide on what functions they do not want to do. Most business leaders find that revenue-generating activities are their highest value tasks, so they push the other functions to third-party companies, who do it every single day.

As your company continues to grow, begin to think about areas of your business you can easily let someone else do; that way you can focus on growing your business.

What function in your business are you doing that you could easily let someone else do? Tell us below.

Image courtesy of Filckr / wheatfields