Flexible and Germ-Free–Finding the Ideal Job
February can be a rough month between endless gray days, post-holiday letdown, and for some, the realization that Christmas spending and impending tax season have left bank accounts looking bleak. It might be time to pick up some part-time work to get finances back on track, but then Omicron is running rampant, and working in retail or a restaurant just seems a bit dangerous right now. Is there a job that doesn’t increase the risk of catching COVID-19? Myles O’Donnell & Company can give a resounding yes to that question.
Imagine working by yourself in an empty space with just you and the desks, clothes racks, or dining tables to keep you company. Top working solo with the fact that your job is to erase germs so you will be armed with disinfectants. This is what a job with us is all about and we offer not only part-time, but flexible hours to meet the needs of those who want a second job or who go to school during the day, or who need to stagger work shifts with a spouse to avoid costly child care.
No matter the reason, our employees enjoy being able to work off-hours. “Myles O'Donnell and Co. Allows me to have a flexible work schedule and have extra money to do fun things with my son and buy him things he may want.” –Mario
If you work for us we will simply hand you the equipment you need, the address of the business you will cleaning, and any keys or passcodes to get in. The requirement is usually that you clean the establishment during its closed time. Whether you want to go in at 7 pm or 2 am is up to you as long as the work is done before the doors reopen. It doesn’t get more flexible than that!
You are there to clean, but you are also there to help stop the spread of germs and viruses. We use disinfectants to wipe down surfaces and we also offer HOCL (Hypochlorous Acid) fogging. The fog machines are set up and turned on allowing the fog to penetrate every inch of the building while you vacuum, mop, and wipe down those frequent touch areas that are big germ spreaders. The fog is all-natural and environmentally safe meaning it's completely safe for you to work in and breathe. Plus it’s 100% residue-free so you won’t feel like it sticks to you and follows you home. With the ability to knock out 99.999% of bacteria, viruses, and pathogens, including those that cause COVID-19 in all its forms, the fog is whisking away the chances that you’ll catch anything as you work.
Our company understands that sometimes you just need to find a way to pay off that loan, put money aside for a family vacation, or just ease some money worries. We support our employees’ desire to find a work-life balance and a job that fits into their lifestyle. We appreciate what they do and the role they play in keeping businesses safe and clean for those who work there. If Myles O’Donnell & Company sounds like the place for you, contact us.