Steam Carpet Cleaning: A Fight Against Bacteria
Internal or External?
Restroom Cleaning Checklist: Your Guide to a Spotless Restroom
Have you ever walked into a restroom at a place of business and thought to yourself, "Really?" Let's face it, some businesses don't take pride in keeping their restroom area looking and smelling great for their employees and customers; this doesn't mean that you should take the same approach.
How to Become a Janitorial 'Rock Star'
Is Your Construction Site Clean, Clear and Safe?
Oregonians rejoice at the fact the weather is beginning to turn. The sun is beginning to poke from behind the clouds, the rain is drying up and people are beginning to make their way out of their houses. What this means is that the construction season is upon us.
5 Questions to Ask a Janitorial Services Company in Portland, Oregon
When exploring the idea of outsourcing your cleaning tasks to an outside company, there are many things you should look for and facts you should uncover prior to hiring any janitorial company.