Welcome Summer with a Sparkling Clean Building
Myles O’Donnell Introduces HOCl Fogging To Its Services To Combat COVID-19
Post Office Holiday Party Clean Up Checklist
Office holiday parties are a great way to show your staff how much you appreciate all their hard work this year and get them excited about starting the new year on your team. After the party ends, though, you may have a big a mess to clean up. Depending on how big the party gets, you can either take care of the office clean-up yourself or hire professionals to take care of the post-party mess for you.
Why Pay a Professional?
Your Windows Have Streaks!
Nothing is more embarrassing than a store-front with dirt, grime and streaky windows. For most business owners, the outside of the building is the least of their worries; time is mostly spent on keeping the inside looking appealing to keep the experience positive for customers.
Beat hard water...
Sustainable Portland Green and Clean
[Infographic] Interesting Stats About House Cleaning
What is Eco-Friendly Cleaning?
Many janitorial service companies claim they use eco-friendly cleaning, but what does it mean to commercial or residential customers?
Is Green Cleaning Right for Your Business?
The notion of "going green" has become a popular term recently, especially in business. In fact, a lot of companies are changing the way they operate just to stay environmentally friendly.