Spring weather is here in Portland, Oregon! And so are the rains.
5 Questions to Ask a Janitorial Services Company in Portland, Oregon
When exploring the idea of outsourcing your cleaning tasks to an outside company, there are many things you should look for and facts you should uncover prior to hiring any janitorial company.
Why Outsource Cleaning to a Janitorial Service Company?
Business owners have become increasingly savvy in using outsourced service companies for various aspects of their business. Though, they often ask themselves a few questions before hiring a company to perform a specific service:
3 Reasons Why Your Employees Shouldn't Pull Out the Vacuum Cleaner After Work
Why Use Myles O'Donnell & Co. as Your Janitorial Services Company?
Commercial Carpet Cleaning: How Often?
3 Carpet Cleaning Tricks You Must Know
Your Windows Have Streaks!
Nothing is more embarrassing than a store-front with dirt, grime and streaky windows. For most business owners, the outside of the building is the least of their worries; time is mostly spent on keeping the inside looking appealing to keep the experience positive for customers.