503-653-5760 info@mylesodonnell.com

January 2022January leaves us with a clean slate on a new year, but what does 2022 hold in store and what can you do to ensure it’s a great year? If digging yourself out of debt, or putting aside a little extra for the perfect summer vacation, are items on your agenda, we can offer some help by way of part-time, fully flexible, after-hours employment that can give your bank account that little nudge it needs to set your year off right.

Myles O’Donnell & Company had a great year in 2021 and we’re actively hiring to ensure all of our clients get the service they want and deserve. Our employees are proud of the service they provide:

Josh“I have been with Myles O’Donnell & Co. for almost ten years. What I like most about our company is the people that I work with and the dedication our company has in servicing our community.”






You may have lots of job options, but let us highlight why working for us could be your best choice.

Are you an introvert or just someone who would rather avoid strangers as what we hope are the last gasps of Covid-19 lurk? A job with us means you will not only be working solo, but you will be entering places of business when they are closed so only the hum of computers and buzz of the exit sign will be there to keep you company. There’s no need to worry about catching a virus or about having a co-worker who drives you crazy! Let’s face it, some of us just don’t like teamwork.

Do you have kids and prefer to split shifts with your spouse so one of you is always home and you can avoid costly childcare? Most of our clients want their places of business cleaned overnight. It doesn’t matter what hours you choose to work between opening and closing times, as long as the business is sparkling in the morning. Our employees appreciate the flexibility:

Hannah“Working for Myles O’Donnell & Co. the past 3 years has been such a positive experience. The management is very family-centered and the flexible schedule is perfect for me as a working mother/wife.”





Our off-hours work also means being employed by Myles O’Donnell can be a convenient second job that is basically stress-free. You can even listen to music while you work to help soothe you before you head home to bed, or kick-start a busy workday.

A job with Myles O’Donnell is also a good choice for students who want to find a way to pay costly tuition or bring in some cash while they finish out that certification program. A degree is a great goal, but cars still need gas, and bills still need to be paid while you are a student. An easy job completed on your schedule can fit right into your career planning.

We also offer weekend positions allowing for even greater flexibility to meet the needs of your lifestyle. And speaking of flexibility, if you like to squeeze in a workout during your day, cleaning a place of business can be a great way to sneak in all that bending, stretching, squatting, and walking. We almost guarantee that the scrubbing you do will leave you a bit sweaty which is just a sign of a job well done.

If you believe a job with us will fulfill your needs and dreams, contact us. And take a look at what our employees are saying about working for Myles O’Donnell & Company.