503-653-5760 info@mylesodonnell.com

There are tons of “environmentally friendly” cleaners on the market, and Portland, Oregon is a very environmentally friendly city, so these products are very popular here.  However, it’s usually cheaper and just as effective to make your own cleaner. With a few simple non-toxic and biodegradable ingredients, you can keep your home clean and germ free without nasty chemicals.

What You Need

1/2 c white wine vinegar
2 Tbsp baking soda (for it’s scouring properties)
10 drops tea tree or lemon essential oil (for their disinfectant properties)

1 ½ cups baking soda
½ cup borax
10 drops tea tree, lavender, or lemon essential oil
Mix ingredients in a mixing bowl, stirring vigorously to combine into a paste.

1 cup water
¼ cup with vinegar
8 drops or each tea tree, eucalyptus, and lemon essential oils

15 – 20 squares of cloth (old t-shirts or dish towels or similar material)
Fold and place the cloth squares into the empty wipe container and set aside.

Pour this mixture over the cloths in the container where they will soak in and be ready for you to pull out and use!
Launder and repeat as often as the cloths hold up!